
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

On the Sixth Day of Christmas...

I was sporting a green and gold gradient:)  This was such a quick easy mani, my first inclination was to do a red/silver gradient but then I went looking in my stash and Zoya Logan kinda jumped out at me (like literally fell of the shelf) and I thought ohhh a green gold gradient because of the pretty gold flecks in Logan:) and Bam just like that inspiration:)
This Fabulous green is Zoya Logan from the Ornate Collection and the Gold is China Glaze Angel Wings from the Holiday Joy Collection. These polishes look soo great together:) and it is a great variation but still keeping in the traditional holiday colors:)
 So are you guys already for Christmas??? I am NOT even close:( I have a few more things to pick up and then the wrapping begins...  But just remember Jesus is the reason for this very special season not the presents or food or parties.
♥ ~ Melissa

1 comment:

Thank you for your comments:) Have a pinked day:)