
Thursday, December 20, 2012

On the 7th and 8th days of Christmas...

I was tired and wore the same mani 2 days in a row:) OMG... I know:) Well at least it was a super cute mani:) I free handed some holly leaves and had some simple white tips and BLAM!!!
 Nothing too fancy I used China Glaze Red Satin for the berries, Zoya Logan for the leaves, and Sinful Colors Snow Me White for the tips.
Sorry this is super short, but I have hurt my back in a bad way and sitting too long aggravates it:( Christmas is a short 4 days away)
♥ ~ Melissa


  1. you free handed this?!? so amazing! I love it

  2. Isn't it weird to wear the same mani for two days?!? People mud think we're crazy!!! This is super cute so I can understand that you wore it for two days!

  3. LOVE these! The holly is so cute with the French tips.

  4. I love this! Festive but subtle! Just perfect!

  5. Wow, this is so beautiful!! I'm pinning this one up!!
    Shame on you for wearing the same mani for TWO days straight OmG like what are you thinking??!! LOLOLOL :))))

  6. These are really cute! I have been wearing my manis for a couple days lately, too. That is so out of the norm for me, but this time of year keeps you super busy and lazy :D


Thank you for your comments:) Have a pinked day:)