
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dots make the world go round:)

So for this week's Pin it Thursday I used two colors I got in my Julep Maven It Girl Intro Box I used Julep Blake and Claire for this design and used Sinful Colors White On for an accent.  Here is the original Pin. 
I was Super surprised by Claire,  in the bottle she looks like a muted light blue, but once I put her on she just POPPED!!!! I added Blake on top with my large dotting tool(had to do 2 coats of the dots to get complete coverage). Then I added the white dots with my small dotting tool.

I ♥♥♥ the way this turned out!!!! and I was even more surprised that my hand was steady enough to not screw up the dots!!! Even on my Right Hand:)

You can sign up to be a maven HERE:) Get your intro box for just .01 by using the promo code MAVENINTRO:)
so what did you do for Pin it Thursday???
♥ ~ Melissa


Thank you for your comments:) Have a pinked day:)