
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Liebster Award!!!!

The Fox Claws Tagged me for the Liebster Award!!!! 

The basic rules are these:
1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
2. They must also answer the 11 questions the 'tagger' has set for them.
3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.
5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.
6. There's no tag backs.

Seems simple enough (famous last words?) so here we go!

11 Things About Pinked Polish:

1.My Blog is named Pinked Polish because my 4 yr old son tells me to pinked (paint) my nails:)


2.Yes my nails are real, I don't do acrylic or gel:) and if one breaks I cut them all down:(

3.I am married to my high school sweetheart♥ We met when I tripped and gave him a black eye... LOL

4.I am a DOG person!!!

5.I can trace my family history to 16th century England (couldn't go back further because of a church fire)

6. Spring and Fall are my favorite times of the YEAR!!!!

7. I am a huge Harry Potter, and Twilight, and 50 Shades Fan!!!! I Love to Read

8.I am a Christian... This doesn't mean I am perfect, just redeemed

9. My FAV food is French fries or Fried Mac n cheese from the Cheesecake Factory!!!

10. I am not as small as I was in high school and I am HAPPY about it!!!

11. I attend no less than 4 pig picking's every year:)

My Answers for the Fox Claws!

1. Who is your favorite YouTuber? (Doesn't have to be beauty related.)

Jenna Marbles If you haven't seen her you must

2. If you could only wear one polish for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would have a french mani:) it just so classic!!!!

3. Name 5 states/countries you have been to.

North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia

4. If you weren't blogging right now, what would you be doing?

Playing on my phone

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?

People who got their drivers license at Walmart (Can't Drive)

6. Do you have any hidden talents?

Lots but they are hidden for a reason *wink

7. Who is your biggest blogger inspiration?

The blogger who first got my attention is Erika @ Chloe's Nails, I so wish she would start      blogging again

8. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

It changes but I would say iced coffee right now!!!

9. Ocean or Mountains?

I visit both every year and  ♥ them equally!!!!
10. Name 5 things within arms reach RIGHT now. 

Phone, Cuticle Oil, Pen, Ruler, Stapler

11. Post the funniest google image you can find. Explain why you chose THAT image.

How can you not laugh at this!!!!

My Questions for my Tagged Bloggers:)
1. Channing Tatum or Ian Somerhalder?
2. How much is too much to pay for Polish?
3. Indie or Mainstream polish and which one?
4. If you could pick and age to 9 be what would it be and why???
5. random website that you visit just to laugh?
6. Favorite Mani of all time (doesn't have to be your work)?
7. Your ultimate Vacay spot?
8. How did you name your blog?
9. Favorite Smell?
10. Who's blog do you stalk?
11. Post the funniest image you can find. Explain why you chose THAT image.

Okay Now for the Bloggers!!!!
Polish Love
Lena Loves Nails
Little J's Nail Corner
Frugal Polish
A Rhyming Dictionary
My Indie Glam Addiction
Cool Polish, Bro
Crazy for Lacquer
Cupcakes and Polish
Tough as Nails Lacquer
I Think you guys are great!!!! Let me know when you post yours!!!


  1. OMG Those Auto correct things get me EVERY time. I literally sit at my computer with tears streaming down my face when I find a cache of those. AHH Thanks for sharing...God Donkey...OH GOD THE GIGGLES.

    Also, Jenna Marbles is amazing! I completely concur!

  2. Aw thanks for the nomination, but I got tagged already! Btw, that's so cute how you came up with your blog name.



Thank you for your comments:) Have a pinked day:)